Who We Are
We are a multispecies community whose main goal is to help other-than-human animals, specially the elderly ones and those exploited by the meat, dairy and pharmaceutical industries.
What We Do
Rescue and shelter
Brum's Sancturary welcomes those who were exploited by the meat, dairy, and pharmaceutical industries and those neglected by society. Dogs, bulls, cats, and geese have been sheltered and became part of our community.
Care for the land
The Sanctuary aims to help the region's wild fauna through a reforestation project. Multiple fruit trees, such as banana, mango, avocado, jackfruit, and many others, have been planted in the past year.
Build awareness
Through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can foster awareness about veganism and interspecies respect and conviviality.
We preserve Brazilian flora
Brum's Sanctuary supports animal and environmental activists around the world and joins the struggle for food, land, and social justice.
We protect Brazilian fauna and provide birds, insects, reptiles and rodents with a safe place to nest, rest, and eat.
"They don't need words. They need us to help them break those cages"
Contact Brum's Sanctuary
We are located in Cambé, PR, Brasil. Proud to be the first sanctuary in the North of the State of Paraná.